International Group on Climate Thermodynamics

Group members

Full Professor (retired) of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Lisboa, Portugal. Born in 1955, with a course in Forestry at ISA and a PhD in Forestry, Wildlife and Range Resources from the University of Idaho, USA. He was President of ISA, Director of the National Forest Research Station, Chairman of the European Forest Institute, Director General of Forests and President of the Observatory of Wildfires created by the Portuguese Parliament. Coordinator of various national and international projects on Landscapes and Fire and main author of two books in these areas, including energy of forest fuels and heat release by fires. From basic thermodynamic calculations, it became obvious that heat release by combustion has been significantly overlooked as a contribution to global warming, and that other energy sources, as nuclear energy, have been wrongly considered as “clean energy” as they are also responsible for “waste heat”. Current research interests are in modelling the understanding of the main causes of global warming.   

Independent researcher. He is an expert in greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification, verification and reporting, however, he observed there is no convincing correlation between the air temperature anomalies and the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in atmosphere, and the lack of robust scientific evidence to support the theory that GHGs caused the current climate change, therefore, he concentrated himself to explore the real root cause, mechanism, solutions of the current global warming by conducting analyses of energy use, energy efficiency, energy conversion efficiency, and thermodynamic analysis in every aspect of human activities.

Full professor at Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II. He currently teaches two courses in the Forestry and Environmental Sciences master’s degree: “Modelling Biological Systems” and “Fire Ecology and Wildfire Control”. During his career he investigated different fields related to species dynamics in both vegetation and microbial ecosystems, focusing on the organic matter cycle and its relation to the establishment of both positive and negative feedback between soil and vegetation. Another field of interest has been fire combustion and propagation modelling, with focus on the interactions between wind and convection air movement generated by the fire heat release.

In general, his main transversal interest has been the System Dynamics modelling approach and its application in the description and predictive simulation of different complex systems. In particular, he coordinated a highly interdisciplinary research team studying theoretical aspects of modelling, in which the emergent dynamics of a complex systems are described as consequences of lower-level interacting processes (e.g.: DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.09.029). This is obtained by the integration of individuals/objects dynamics described by ODEs (ordinary differential equations), with spatial processes represented by PDEs (partial differential equations). Such hybrid approach to modelling integrates different mathematical formalizations to fit both discrete and continuous nature of real systems.

His interest in IGCT raised by questioning what the mathematical description of the widely used climate change models was, realizing (with surprise) that, essentially, they were mostly based on observed data correlations, interpreted as causative relationships. The physical base of the earth system is not clearly assessed to describe the thermodynamic of the atmosphere, ruling out the contribution to the air temperature due to the direct heat emissions. Moreover, he noticed an insufficient formal analysis of the existing feedbacks affecting the air temperature, and the lack of an explicit spatial representation of the heating phenomenon. All these topics deserve serious investigation and discussion that can be supported by the development of a new process-based model which he would like to support within the IGCT aim.

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Born in England in October 1939, with a B.Sc. in 1960. From 1981 he worked as a private consultant to the mining and minerals processing sector of Zimbabwe and beyond, undertaking over 400 assignments for clients in 35 countries, with clients including the World Bank and the United Nations. Appointed on March 2017 as Director of SWALA AEROSPACE Ltd.  – Youtube 

In his ‘teens’ developed and constructed an efficient new type of internal combustion engine and via an introduction to the now renowned scientist and family friend ‘James (Jim) Lovelock’ became interested in his work on ‘Gaia’ hypothesis and earth’s climate. After studying engineering at college Phil started his business career and has operated his own businesses since the age of 22 mainly as vehicles to develop and promote his innovations. He has been granted dozens of international patents for his innovations and continues his passion in better understanding the interactions of energy, water and climate. His engagement with IGCT is based on a long-held belief that ‘waste heat’ and ‘water cycles’ are more instrumental aspects of climate change and control than communicated by the mainstream climate institutions. He further understands the importance of individuals and small groups at times to ‘challenge’ convention – as so greatly demonstrated and inspired by his sadly departed friend and mentor Jim.

CNRS Research Director Emeritus. Trained in Chemistry and Polymer Science at the University of Paris (France). Graduated in 1965. Joined the French CNRS in 1965 as junior scientist and retired in 2007 as CNRS Research Director. Emeritus until 2022. Founded in 1981 a laboratory specialized on researches at the interfaces between Chemistry, Degradable polymeric biomaterials, Biology, Health and Environment at the National Institute for Applied Sciences at Rouen and moved it at the University of Montpellier in 1991. Published or co-authored more than 450 articles, book chapters, and patents. Ex-Editor-in-Chief for Europe of the J. Biomater. Sci.: Polym. Ed. and member of the editorial board of several scientific journals. Awarded several French and International Grand Prix in the field of Therapeutic and Environmental Polymers. More on ResearchGate.